Billing, Collections Policy & Procedure
After our patients have received services, it is the policy of UF Health Flagler Hospital to bill patients and applicable payers accurately and in a timely
manner. 在此计费和收款过程中,工作人员将提供
quality customer service and timely follow-up, and all outstanding accounts
final rule under the authority of the Affordable Care Act.
compliance, patient satisfaction, and efficiency. Through the use of billing
statements, written correspondence, and phone calls, UF Health Flagler Hospital
will make diligent efforts to inform patients of their financial responsibilities
patients regarding outstanding accounts. Additionally, this policy requires
UF Health Flagler Hospital to make reasonable efforts to determine a patient’s
eligibility for financial assistance under UF Health Flagler Hospital’s financial
to obtain payment.
Extraordinary Collection Actions (ECAs): 一份由美国国税局和财政部定义的收款活动清单
个人是否有资格获得经济援助. These actions
are further defined in Section II of this policy below and include actions
such as reporting adverse information to credit bureaus/reporting agencies
Financial Assistance Policy (FAP): A separate policy that describes UF Health Flagler Hospital’s financial assistance
eligible for financial assistance as well as the process by which individuals
may apply for financial assistance.
Reasonable Efforts: 医疗保健机构必须采取的一系列行动来确定
whether an individual is eligible for financial assistance under UF Health Flagler Hospital’s financial assistance policy. In general, reasonable efforts
oral notifications about the FAP and application processes.
I. Billing Practices
A. Insurance Billing
- For all insured patients, UF Health Flagler Hospital will bill applicable third-party
in a timely manner.
- 如果付款人因电子邮件上的错误而拒绝(或不处理)索赔
our behalf, UF Health Flagler Hospital will not bill the patient for any amount
- If a claim is denied (or is not processed) by a payer due to factors outside
并尽可能耐心地协助解决索赔问题. If resolution
does not occur after prudent follow- up efforts, UF Health Flagler Hospital may
and industry standards.
B. Patient Billing
- 所有没有保险的病人都会直接及时地收到账单,他们会
- For insured patients, after claims have been processed by third-party payers,
UF Health Flagler Hospital will bill patients in a timely fashion for their respective
- All patients may request an itemized statement for their accounts at any time.
- If a patient disputes his or her account and requests documentation regarding
the bill, staff members will provide the requested documentation in writing
days before referring the account for collection.
UF Health Flagler Hospital may approve payment plan arrangements for patients who
indicate they may have difficulty paying their balance in a single installment.
- Patient Financial Services Management has the authority to make exceptions
- UF Health Flagler Hospital is not required to accept patient-initiated payment arrangements
patient is unwilling to make acceptable payment arrangements or has defaulted
on an established payment plan.
II. Collections Practices
A. 在遵守相关的州和联邦法律,并按照
与本账单和收款政策中概述的条款, UF Health Flagler Hospital may engage in collection activities—including extraordinary
收集行动(ECAs) -收集未偿还的患者余额.
- 一般催收活动可包括[对报表的跟进查询]
discretion of UF Health Flagler Hospital. Accounts will be referred for collections
only with the following caveats:
- 有合理的理由相信病人欠了这笔债.
- 所有第三方支付方均已妥为结算,剩余债务也已付清
is the financial responsibility of the patient. UF Health Flagler Hospital shall
not bill a patient for any amount that an insurance company is obligated to pay.
- UF Health Flagler Hospital will not refer accounts for collection while a claim on
the account is still pending payer payment. However UF Health Flagler Hospital may
efforts to facilitate resolution.
- UF Health Flagler Hospital will not refer accounts for collection where the claim
was denied due to a UF Health Flagler Hospital error. However, UF Health Flagler Hospital
may still refer the patient liability portion of such claims for collection
if unpaid.
- UF Health Flagler Hospital will not refer accounts for collection where the patient
has initially applied for financial assistance or other UF Health Flagler Hospital
sponsored program and UF Health Flagler Hospital has not yet notified the patient
B. 合理努力和特别催收行动(eca)
Before engaging in ECAs to obtain payment for care UF Health Flagler Hospital must
- ECAs may begin only when 120 days have passed since the first post-discharge
statement was provided.
However, at least 30 days before initiating ECAs to obtain payment, UF Health Flagler Hospital shall do the following:
- Provide the individual with a written notice that indicates the availability
and 30 days after the written notice)
- Provide a plain-language summary of the FAP along with the notice described above
- 尝试口头告知患者FAP的情况,以及他或她如何
may get assistance with the application process
After making reasonable efforts to determine financial assistance eligibility
as outlined above UF Health Flagler Hospital (or its authorized business partners)
may take the following ECA to obtain payment for care:
- Report adverse information to credit reporting agencies and/or credit bureaus
如果患者对先前提供的护理有未偿还的余额, 佛罗里达大学健康酷游九州真人可以从事延期的ECA, denying, or requiring payment
only when the following steps are taken:
- UF Health Flagler Hospital provides the patient with an FAP application and a plain
language summary of the FAP
- UF Health Flagler Hospital provides a written notice indicating the availability
of financial assistance and specifying any deadline after which a completed
be accepted. 该截止日期必须在通知日期后至少30天
care—whichever is later.
- UF Health Flagler Hospital makes a reasonable effort to orally notify the individual
about the financial assistance policy and explain how to receive assistance
with the application process.
- UF Health Flagler Hospital processes on an expedited basis any FAP applications for
previous care received within the stated deadline
- 患者金融服务最终负责确定是否
an individual is eligible for financial assistance. This body also has
any of the ECAs outlined in this policy.
III. Financial Assistance
All billed patients will have the opportunity to contact UF Health Flagler Hospital
and other applicable programs.
- UF健康酷游九州真人的财政援助政策是免费的
of charge.
Request a copy:
- 亲自到佛罗里达大学健康酷游九州真人的任何注册地点
- By calling the Billing Department/Financial Advocate 904-819-4539 or mailing
a request 2155 Old Moultrie Rd Suite 103, St. Augustine, FL 32086
Online at
- Individuals with questions regarding UF Health Flagler Hospital’s financial
at 904-819-4539 or in person at 400 Health Park BLVD, St. Augustine, FL 32086
IV. Customer Service
A. During the billing and collection process, UF Health Flagler Hospital will provide
- UF Health Flagler Hospital will enforce a zero tolerance standard for abusive, harassing,
- UF Health Flagler Hospital will maintain a streamlined process for patient questions
statements sent.
- 在收到病人的沟通(电话或书面)后,
UF Health Flagler Hospital staff will return phone calls to patients as promptly
as possible (but no more than one business day after the call was received)
and will respond to written correspondence within 10 days.
- UF Health Flagler Hospital will maintain a log of patient complaints (oral or written)
that will be available for audit.